
Tag Kind
TSDoc Reference

The @link tag is used to refer to another documented declaration. It takes one of the following forms:

  • {@link Foo.Bar} - Links to Foo.Bar, with link text Bar
  • {@link Foo.Bar | click here} - Links to Foo.Bar, with link text click here
  • (non-TSDoc) {@link Foo.Bar click here} - Links to Foo.Bar, with link text click here

In 0.23, if resolving a link with declaration references fails, TypeDoc will attempt to resolve the link with the legacy method used in 0.22 and earlier. This behavior will be removed in 0.24.

External hyperlinks should be constructed with markdown [text](link) style links, not with the @link tag.


* Similar to {@link random}, but with a range of [0, 100)

export function rand(): number;

* Returns a random number in the range [0, 1)

export function random(): number;

* {@link Data.prop | instance member}
* {@link Data.member | static member}
* {@link Data#member | instance member}

export class Data {
prop = 0;

static member = 1;
member = 2;

* {@link Merged:namespace} links to the namespace.
* {@link Merged:enum} links to the enum.

export namespace Merged {
export const a = 3;

export enum Merged {

TSDoc Compatibility

TypeDoc implements the beta version of declaration references, specified at tsdoc/src/beta/DeclarationReference.grammarkdown. TypeDoc does not support parsing the initial declaration reference syntax proposed by TSDoc. For more details see the declaration reference documentation.

JSDoc Compatibility

TypeDoc will also recognize the @linkplain and @linkcode JSDoc tags and resolve them with the same method as other links.

See Also