Class DefaultThemeRenderContext



breadcrumb: ((...r: [props: Models.Reflection]) => undefined | Element) = ...
commentSummary: ((...r: [props: Models.Reflection]) => undefined | Element) = ...
commentTags: ((...r: [props: Models.Reflection]) => undefined | Element) = ...
defaultLayout: ((...r: [template: RenderTemplate<PageEvent<Models.Reflection>>, props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
documentTemplate: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.DocumentReflection>]) => Element) = ...
footer: ((...r: []) => Element) = ...
header: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
hierarchy: ((...r: [props: DeclarationHierarchy]) => undefined | Element) = ...
hierarchyTemplate: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.ProjectReflection>]) => Element) = ...
hook: (<K>(event: K, ...args: RendererHooks[K]) => Element[]) = ...

Type declaration

    • <K>(event, ...args): Element[]
    • Emits an event to all currently subscribed listeners.

      Type Parameters


      • event: K

        the event to emit.

      • Rest...args: RendererHooks[K]

        any arguments required for the event.

      Returns Element[]

index: ((...r: [props: Models.ContainerReflection]) => Element) = ...
indexTemplate: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.ProjectReflection>]) => Element) = ...
internationalization: Internationalization
member: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection | Models.DocumentReflection]) => Element) = ...
memberDeclaration: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection]) => Element) = ...
memberGetterSetter: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection]) => Element) = ...
memberReference: ((...r: [props: Models.ReferenceReflection]) => Element) = ...
members: ((...r: [props: Models.ContainerReflection]) => Element) = ...
memberSignatureBody: ((...r: [props: Models.SignatureReflection, {
    hideSources?: boolean;
}?]) => Element) = ...
memberSignatures: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection]) => Element) = ...
memberSignatureTitle: ((...r: [props: Models.SignatureReflection, {
    arrowStyle?: boolean;
    hideName?: boolean;
    hideParamTypes?: boolean;
}?]) => Element) = ...
memberSources: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection | Models.SignatureReflection]) => Element) = ...
navigation: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
options: Options
pageNavigation: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
pageSidebar: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
parameter: ((...r: [props: Models.DeclarationReflection]) => Element) = ...
reflectionFlags: ((...r: [props: Models.Reflection]) => Element) = ...
reflectionPreview: ((...r: [props: Models.Reflection]) => undefined | Element) = ...

Rendered just after the description for a reflection. This can be used to render a shortened type display of a reflection that the rest of the page expands on.

Note: Will not be called for variables/type aliases, as they are summarized by their type declaration, which is already rendered by DefaultThemeRenderContext.memberDeclaration

reflectionTemplate: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.ContainerReflection>]) => Element) = ...
settings: ((...r: []) => Element) = ...
sidebar: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
sidebarLinks: ((...r: []) => null | Element) = ...
toolbar: ((...r: [props: PageEvent<Models.Reflection>]) => Element) = ...
type: ((...r: [type: Models.Type, options: {
    topLevelLinks: boolean;
}]) => Element) = ...
typeAndParent: ((...r: [props: Models.Type]) => Element) = ...
typeParameters: ((...r: [typeParameters: Models.TypeParameterReflection[]]) => Element) = ...
membersGroup?: Function

Since 0.26.3 members does group/category flattening internally


  • get icons(): Readonly<Record<
        | "search"
        | "anchor"
        | ReflectionKind
        | "checkbox"
        | "chevronDown"
        | "menu"
        | "chevronSmall"
        | "folder", (() => Element)>>
  • Icons available for use within the page.

    Note: This creates a reference to icons declared by DefaultTheme.icons, to customize icons, that object must be modified instead.

    Returns Readonly<Record<
        | "search"
        | "anchor"
        | ReflectionKind
        | "checkbox"
        | "chevronDown"
        | "menu"
        | "chevronSmall"
        | "folder", (() => Element)>>
